In my other life, as a pastoral caregiver to missionaries, I had started an online Skype study with a small group of women from our mission using the Companion Guide to Sharon Garlough Brown’s novel, Sensible Shoes. Although I did not know Sharon personally, since we were both novelists, I got up my courage and asked her if she would be willing to meet with my girls for our last Skype call. Sharon said, “Yes, I’d be delighted to do that.”

I was immediately drawn to Sharon’s depth of character, evident in her writing and life. I had appreciated the introduction into spiritual direction in the book and enjoyed practicing some of the suggested spiritual disciplines.

Sharon and I corresponded a bit over the next months and, at some point, Sharon asked me if there was a prayer group for novelists that she could join—she was new to the whole fiction writing world, having been a pastor and spiritual director before she began writing novels.

I thought this was a great idea, but didn’t know of any such group that existed solely for authors to pray together. As Sharon and I talked, we both felt a stirring in our spirits that this was something inspired by our Lord.

We didn’t want this group to be about writing techniques or marketing or publishers or deadlines. This would be a safe place for our souls.

So, I began to ask the Lord to direct me to a few women who would be interested in a monthly Skype prayer group. Because I had lived overseas for thirty years, I didn’t have regular contact with many other Christian writers. But as I prayed, the Lord brought to mind wonderful authors whom I’d had the privilege of meeting in person during my occasional time back in the States.

I thought of Deb Raney who, back in 2006, had offered to be my roommate at a writers’ conference where I knew hardly anyone. (Little did I know that Deb was one of the main organizers of the conference!) Robin Grant, whom I had met at a book signing earlier, also attended that conference.

A year later, in 2007, I had attended a writers’ retreat and met, among many others, Susan Meissner.

Fast forward a few years, and I had the privilege and honor of doing a book tour in Germany with Lynn Austin.

I knew each of these women loved Jesus and wanted their writing to reflect Him, but I had no idea if they already belonged to a writers’ prayer group. When I proposed an online monthly prayer call to these four gals, I was blessed by their enthusiastic responses of “Yes! I’m honored to be invited,” and “I love the idea and don’t know of anything like this!” Counting Sharon and myself, that made six novelists, which seemed like just the right size.

We talked about our vision—having a prayer group over Skype with the goal being to encourage each other in our spiritual walk and pray for each other and our stories. We didn’t want this group to be about writing techniques or marketing or publishers or deadlines. This would be a safe place for our souls.

We’ve been meeting for three years now. We’ve walked each other through many traumas in our personal lives such as the death of parents, our husbands’ job changes, illnesses, our children’s and grandchildren’s challenges and successes.

And of course, we’ve shared about our writing journeys, encouraging each other to persevere through rejection and disappointment and the crazy demands of social media and self-publishing. We’ve applauded manuscripts completed on time, awards won, and new contracts signed. We’ve laughed at some of our missteps during signing and speaking tours and rejoiced at the love and support our dear readers give us.

19-01-17-TF prayer gals all six

The writing life is a roller-coaster ride. What a privilege to have a small group of sisters in Christ with whom we can be real about our fears, jealousies, hardships, successes, and joys.

Our main desire is to help each other keep our gaze fixed on Jesus in the midst of all the twists and turns in our personal stories and the stories we put in our books. It’s a delight to watch the Lord answer these prayers and to celebrate together.

Have you ever been part of a small prayer group that was indeed a safe place for your soul?

TFGT - The Long Highway Home

To enter the giveaway for The Sweetest Thing, sign up for my newsletter

If you have already signed up for my newsletter, thank you! However, to qualify, I’ll still need record of your entry through the link above. (Don’t worry! You won’t be signed up twice.)

To enter the grand prize (all six novels), enter each giveaway of the Transformational Fiction Giveaway Tour. Visit my sister in faith and fiction Deborah Raney to learn Tips for Managing an Online Prayer Group and a chance to win her novel Reason to Breathe! 

TFGT - All Book Giveaway

Giveaways ends Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 11:59pm CST. All Transformational Fiction Giveaway winners will be announced Monday, March 11, 2019, and will have 48 hours to claim their prize or thereby forfeit to the runner up. Participants must enter all 6 giveaways to be considered for the grand prize drawing. Limited to US residents only. Must be 18 or older to enter.

25 Comments on “Transformational Fiction Giveaway Tour: How It All Began

  1. Thanks again for this opportunity – thought I saw something on FB re: the winners for the giveaway, but I’m having trouble with FB. Would love to know the results. Thanks.


    • Here are the winners, Beth:
      Thank you to all who participated in the Transformational Fiction Giveaway Tour! Without further ado, here are the six giveaway winners:

      Chrissy Gunning won a copy of Lynn Austin’s Where We Belong
      Gayla Kaufman won a copy of Elizabeth Musser’s The Sweetest Thing.
      Martha Wing won a copy of Deborah Raney’s A Reason To Breathe.
      Denise Gumaer won a copy of Sharon Garlough Brown’s An Extra Mile.
      Cyndy Garris won a copy of Robin Johns Grant, Author’s Summer’s Winter.
      Michelle Shurman won a copy of Susan Meissner’s As Bright As Heaven.

      Congratulations !

      The grand prize winner is Maria Standley


  2. Signed up for newsletters. Hope I entered everywhere I was “supposed” to:) Thanks for the opportunity to enter this fun giveaway! Would love to win a print copy of any book:) God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Elizabeth, I am so happy to hear from you. Although your Mom and I did not share a prayer group, I remember all the fun times we shared over the years. We certainly loved one another, sharing happy times as well as sad. Those years were magic in my eyes! What a Blessing we had, and now I really appreciate our years together. Love to each! Jule

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this story of connections! I can see how it was really valuable! I am proud to know you! Even though I knew the other Beth Musser, I count it joy to have met you and I read everything you have written (and pass it along at times!). God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Stephanie. Beth (or Beeze as we called her) was extraordinary. She would be so very proud of her sons who each have 5 children now (well, the 5th for Austin is due in a month). They are amazing young men. Blessings on you!


  5. Thank you for this opportunity, Elizabeth. You and your books will always have a special place in my heart due to my aunt’s family. Every time I see one of my cousins wearing the Huguenot cross, I think of you and your books.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Elizabeth! I am so excited about this giveaway!! I LOVE reading uplifting historical fiction (especially when I am awake for a while during the night!).
    I am having trouble accessing Lynn Austin’s website. Any ideas? I have registered for all other authors giveaway but can’t get to Lynn’s website. Any help is appreciated. Peace to you my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What fun! Robin Johns Grant is such a delight as a person and her books are amazing! I’m so glad to “meet” some of her friends.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Yes I am a part of a group of 4 ladies. We keep each other accountable to the word and our lives. We have fun and laugh a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

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